Re: XML Schema draft populates the intersection of Language and InformationResource [ISSUE-14 httpRange-14]

On Fri, 2007-09-28 at 23:22 +0200, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
> My conclusion from this: Hash URIs are preferred only if you are sure  
> that you never will need content negotiation. Otherwise, you simply  
> have to swallow the bitter 303 pill, no matter if you go hash or  
> slash. And since slash URIs are often shorter (no <#it> warts) and  
> more flexible, they are the preferred choice if you want content  
> negotiation.
> For the purposes of the Cool URIs for SW document, I'm inclined to  
> continue to defend this position.

I'd really rather not put 303 redirect configuration in
the critical path to deployment of garden variety
Semantic Web data. The <doc#term> technique is available to
ordinary authors who can only use ftp to upload
data to the web.

But it seems that you looked at all the same evidence and
came to a different conclusion. I don't see anything
I could say to convince you, and your position makes
a lot of sense.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 28 September 2007 22:29:24 UTC