RE: Some TAG review of "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web"

>|(Minor note: Frege said that names have no sense, but I think that's false;
>| "Fido" has the sense "dog", for instance.)
>That would be Kripke et. al. Frege says "The sense of a proper name is grasped
>by everybody who is sufficiently familiar with the language..." in "Sense and
>Reference" [1]

But he is there using "proper name" in a different, er, sense. See 
footnote 4 on page 24 of the cited reference, where he refers to "an 
actual proper name such as 'Aristotle' ", and says that opinions may 
differ. Indeed.

Frege was a great early master, but his sense/reference doctrine is 
at best lacking in precision and has never been able to support the 
theoretical weight he intended it to have. I know of no adequate 
modern (i.e. precise) account of the 'sense' of an "actual" proper 
name (in the linguistic sense, typically a personal name written with 


>Marc de Graauw

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Received on Tuesday, 25 September 2007 21:52:29 UTC