Re: XML Schema draft populates the intersection of Language and InformationResource [ISSUE-14 httpRange-14]

On Thu, 2007-09-13 at 16:02 -0500, Pat Hayes wrote:
> >Dan Connolly writes:
> >>  $ HEAD
> >>  200 OK
> >>
> >>  So the draft proposes that
> >>  identifies both an information resource and a language.
> >
> >Well, the draft only proposes that it identify the language.  Putting
> >a page there so the server returns 200 was a step I'm pretty sure the
> >editor made independently, w/o considering the ontological
> >implications of doing so or what our httpRange-14 finding has to say
> >about them.
> The fact that it seemed so natural and obvious to do this in the 
> innocent pre-HTTP-14 days should give us all pause, however. Why 
> SHOULD putting a Web page in the obvious Web place be considered to 
> be making ANY kind of ontological statement? Perhaps it shouldn't.

On the other hand, isn't putting up a web page the most mundane
instance of the sort of baptism ritual that you have been
asking about?

If you build a store and put "Bob's Bean Emporium" above the door,
you have clearly made all sorts of claims, such as:
  * Bob's Bean Emporium is a store
  * it's open for business
  * the general public is welcome to come in and shop for beans

When you put up a web page at /path on the
example server, surely you make
the claim that http://example/path is a document,
available for all to read*, no?

* subject to access control, etc.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 13 September 2007 21:18:36 UTC