Fw: TAG Finding: The use of Metadata in URIs

With his permission, I am forwarding the attached comments from Howard 
Katz regarding the Metadata in URI TAG finding.  My inclination is to fix 
these editorial problems in place, I.e. without changing the date on the 
finding.  Normally I think it's important to update the dates on the title 
pages whenever there is a substantive change, but in this case the changes 
would be non-substantive (in my opinion.)  Thus, I think it's actually 
more useful on balance to leave the title page alone and not to mint new 
dated URIs, as it avoids readers having to research "what's the difference 
between the versions dated X and Y".  Still, I can see good reasons why 
others might prefer new URIs and/or new dates on the title page.

To keep this simple, I'll wait a few days.  If I don't get any requests to 
the contrary, I'll just slip in the fixes.  If there are objections, we 
can discuss first.  Thank you (and thank you, Howard, for catching these 


Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

----- Forwarded by Noah Mendelsohn/Cambridge/IBM on 06/18/2007 05:11 PM 

"Howard Katz" <howardk@fatdog.com>
05/26/2007 02:54 PM
        To:     <noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com>
        Subject:        TAG Finding: The use of Metadata in URIs

Nice work on the Use of Metadata finding. I noticed a few typos I thought
you might want to know about:

1) The heading for "2.8 Confusing or malicious metadata": should be

2) The Good Practice note in the same section: the word "consistent" is
misspelled as "constistent".

There you are, FWIW.

Howard Katz

Received on Monday, 18 June 2007 21:18:16 UTC