CORRECTION: [Linking-open-data] Terminology Question concerning Web Architecture and Linked Data

Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> Depends on the characteristics of the property "owl:sameAs" as used in 
> Tim's "Universe of Discourse" (Data Space) and here is why:
> Yes, if in Tim's Data Space Definition he asserts that "owl:sameAs" is 
> an "owl:SymmetricProperty" then his usage is unambiguous, as this 
> should result in identical triples when you SPARQL against his Data 
> Space using either URI (assuming we are not modeling the Web as a 
> single Graph). Of course, this assumes the SPARQL processor has 
> inference capabilities. Otherwise, "rdfs:seeAlso" would be the 
> preferred property as this is unambiguous (i.e. the aforementioned 
> URIs will produce varied Triples without introducing confusion).
In retrospect, the statement above is *incorrect* since "owl:sameAs" 
means the URIs in the Domain and Range are to be treated as 
"Identical".  It's up to RDF Clients / Consumers (e.g. Browsers and 
SPARQL Processors) to ensure that identical Triples are dereferenced 
from said URIs. Thus, Tim's usage is unambiguous :-)



Kingsley Idehen	      Weblog:
President & CEO 
OpenLink Software     Web:

Received on Sunday, 8 July 2007 02:26:46 UTC