minutes TAG 26 Sep for review: URNsAndRegistries-50, schemeProtocols-49, passwordsInTheClear-52, ...

Hypertext: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2006/09/26-tagmem-minutes

Plain text...

                              TAG Weekly

26 Sep 2006

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc


          TimBL, Vincent, Ht, DanC, Norm, Ed_Rice, Dave_Orchard, Noah

          TV, TimBL




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Administrative
         2. [5]issue URNsAndRegistries-50
         3. [6]issue schemeProtocols-49
         4. [7]issue passwordsInTheClear-52
         5. [8]issue ultimateQuestion-42 (State in Web Applications)
         6. [9]Agenda for Vancouver f2f, 4-5 Oct.
     * [10]Summary of Action Items


   <scribe> Scribe: DanC

   <DanC_> [11]minutes 19 Sep

     [11] http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2006/09/19-minutes.html

   RESOLUTION: to accept minutes 19 Sep

issue URNsAndRegistries-50

   VQ: last time we talked was a while ago, but I see
   [12]http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/URNsAndRegistries-50.xml v 1.21
   2006/08/17 19:23:58 dorchard

     [12] http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/URNsAndRegistries-50.xml

   DO: I made some edits to the last 3 sections prompted by comments
   from David Booth...
   ... I think David said "they're better, but not exactly right yet"

   HST: feedback I'm getting is "for readers who don't know much, this
   might help a little, but for participants in these discussions, this
   isn't likely to be persuasive. You need more [detial?]"
   ... I [intend to write too www-tag?] about the scenario where
   somebody makes links to foo.com and then somebody else buys that
   domain and makes those links go goofy
   ... in sum, I'd like ftf time on this
   ... I gather the XRI [spec?] has moved a lot since I reviewed it

   TBL: how so?

   HST: they've moved to the point where the primary result of looking
   up an XRI is an XML document that gives metadata and lookup
   information. And they intend to provide all the functionality of
   DNS. [?]
   ... and they're moving to names for automobile parts and such, much
   like the semantic web [and unlike LSID in some way?]

   TBL: I drafted, but didn't send to www-tag, some stuff about the
   social issues around [LSID?]
   ... the social chain of trust is perhaps the dominant issue in this
   ... the only way to avoid trusting something outside your community
   is that each community's web is disjoint from the others.

   HST: the "what happens if foo.com goes goofy?" question can't be
   addressed without talking about where the levers of power are and
   who can pull them.

   (... discussion of how LSIDs are acutally being deployed, and how
   they interact with HTTP, and how they could use relative links...)

   <Zakim> DanC, you wanted to note the awkward timing of TAG meeting
   4-5 Oct 2006, Vancouver vs. HCLSIG meeting October 3 to 4, Amsterdam

   <ht> Here's one:

     [13] http://lsid.biopathways.org/resolver/urn:lsid:gdb.org:GenomicSegment:GDB132938

   <ht> Taken from this page: [14]http://lsid.biopathways.org/resolver/

     [14] http://lsid.biopathways.org/resolver/

   (more discussion that the scribe is too busy taking part in to


     [15] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2006Jul/0041.html

   <scribe> ACTION: DanC to find timbl's draft, give it to Ivan Herman
   in preparation for HCLSIG meeting in Amsterdam [recorded in

     [16] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc

   <DanC_> (my message about trying to use LSID software
   l/0267.html )

     [17] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-semweb-lifesci/2006Jul/0267.html

   <scribe> ACTION: HT to update draft finding URNs, Namespaces and
   Registries, with David [CONTINUES] from 18 Apr 2006 [recorded in

     [18] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc

   <ht> URNsAndRegistries-50 has at least one fan:

     [19] http://lists.musicbrainz.org/pipermail/playlist/2006-August/001037.html

issue schemeProtocols-49

   NM: I still think this is an issue that people run into...
   ... I'm interested in discussion at the ftf, but not pushing it...
   ... from what I can tell, it's not really clear at all what's the
   TAG position; this is more than just an editorial exercise

   DC: where does this come up for me... I guess... "how many of
   skype/irc/jabber are worth introducing?"

   NM: there's also the case of streaming media, where I think we
   concluded http is still the right scheme...
   ... Dan, are you pushing for a meta scheme like chat:?

   DC: Maybe. There seems to be a social issue about differing
   registration models for e.g., skype vs. jabber

   NM: Yes. Seems vaguely related to differing expectations for http:
   vs https:, I.e. that they sort of do the same thing, but with
   differing expectations for the care taken in ensuring the correct

   <scribe> ACTION: NM to produce a new version of URI Schemes and Web
   Protocols [CONTINUES] [recorded in

     [20] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc

   VQ: so perhaps this is not sufficiently mature for ftf discussion

   Noah is excused.

issue passwordsInTheClear-52

   Ed: I have made some progress, and have gotten some feedback, of the
   form "you need to deal with display, not just transmission of the
   ... should be ready in the next week or so... oh... ftf is sooner
   than that... ok, I'll get something out before the ftf

   <scribe> ACTION: ER to produce first draft "No passwords in the
   clear" finding [CONTINUES] [recorded in

     [21] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc

issue ultimateQuestion-42 (State in Web Applications)

   DO: no progress lately; below versioning on my stack
   ... and below URNsRegistries

   <scribe> ACTION: DO to Revise CSCP (Cookies, Shopping Carts,
   Personalization, etc) in State finding [CONTINUES] from 13 Jun 2006
   recorded in [22]http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc]

     [22] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc

   <scribe> ACTION: NDW to Review new version of state finding when it
   comes out, with NM [CONTINUES] from 13 Jun 2006 [recorded in

     [23] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc

Agenda for Vancouver f2f, 4-5 Oct.

   <DanC_> [24]draft agenda

     [24] http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/2006/10/04-agenda.html

   Ed is excused. Everybody else will be there.

   DO: on Wed 4 Oct, I'm out around lunch

   VQ: ok to start at 9am Wed?

   DO: yes
   ... everybody have their hotel?

   <Norm> Norm is booked.

   ED: I'm interested to dial in

   DO: yes, I plan to accomodate that.

   VQ: Ed, let me know which parts you want to call in for

   Ed: OK

   DO checks on social event.

   "Review of draft finding The use of Metadata in URIs (new version to
   be available for the meeting)"

   <ht> New draft of MetadataInURI available when, Noah?

   <Noah> oops. yes?

   <Noah> I hope to write new section of metadata Thurs or Fri as

   <Noah> Should be short and easy to review

   <Noah> That what you need?

   <Vincent> Yes, thanks Noah

   DO: I'm still hopeful for a new XMLVersioning-41 draft this week
   ... this is going slowly...
   ... the scope has increased from "how do I extend/version my XML
   document" and we haven't gotten back to those details.
   ... and I'm not sure how long I can work on it... end of term
   approaching and all.

   DC: I think working on the terminology should interleave with
   working on the guidance

   DO: but reviewers so far have stopped somewhere in the terminology

   NDW: on Issue namespaceDocument-8, I don't see bandwidth to get a
   lot more done, but I do expect to contact Jonathan B at least

   VQ: agenda is still flexible. suggestions welcome.


Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: DanC to find timbl's draft, give it to Ivan Herman in
   preparation for HCLSIG meeting in Amsterdam [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: DO to Revise CSCP (Cookies, Shopping Carts,
   Personalization, etc) in State finding [PENDING] from 13 Jun 2006
   recorded in [26]http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc]
   [NEW] ACTION: HT to update draft finding URNs, Namespaces and
   Registries, with David [PENDING] from 18 Apr 2006 [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: NDW to Review new version of state finding when it
   comes out, with NM [PENDING] from 13 Jun 2006 [recorded in

     [25] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc
     [26] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc
     [27] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc
     [28] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc

   [PENDING] ACTION: ER to produce first draft "No passwords in the
   clear" finding [recorded in
   [PENDING] ACTION: NM to produce a new version of URI Schemes and Web
   Protocols recorded in [30]http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc]

     [29] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc
     [30] http://www.w3.org/2006/09/26-tagmem-irc

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's [31]scribe.perl version 1.127
    ([32]CVS log)
    $Date: 2006/09/27 19:28:40 $

     [31] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [32] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
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Received on Wednesday, 27 September 2006 19:30:59 UTC