RE: New TAG issue: TagSoupIntegration-54

>> The W3C define a process by which *any* arbitrary 
>> byte stream can be converted into valid XHTML, no 
>> matter what...

Sounds like a really great way to go.

>> This process must be fully determinate. That is two 
>> independent implementations must always produce the 
>> same XHTML version modulo insignificant details like 
>> white space inside tags or quotes around attribute 
>> values.

The list newbie in me is curious; why not go ahead and simplify it and
instead fully define it to *include* white space inside tags and quotes
around attributes?  It would make comparisons of output between different
parsers easier.

>> Fortunately we have at least one existence proof of 
>> such a product and it is called, obviously enough, 
>> TagSoup: 

I read this page and have questions.

	"TagSoup also includes a command-line processor 
	that reads HTML files and can generate either 
	clean HTML or well-formed XML that is a close 
	approximation to XHTML."

1.) Why a "generate ... a close approximation to XHTML?"  Doesn't it need to
"generate XHTML?"
2.) Secondly (and you may no know this and maybe I shouldn't even be asking
on the list, but...) how do I use TagSoup on a Windows machine?

-Mike Schinkel

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2006 02:36:59 UTC