Re: The URI of a RDDL "nature"

Jonathan Borden writes:

> primarily because this goes the ideas that 
> the nature of an XML document might be 
> determined by the namespace of the root element.

Well, I think that the nature of an XML document may well be determined, 
or at least bounded, by the >QName< of the root element.  I don't think 
the namespace does it. Consider a single namespace that includes two or 
more element QNames both of which were designed to be used as root 
elements.  For example, I might in the same namespace (shown with prefix 
ns:) have:


and also


Surely it's wrong to say that the nature of these documents is determined 
by their namespaces.  One's a purchase order, the other an invoice.  Both 
are in the same namespace.  I think RDDL should be capable of capturing 
these separate natures.

Now, in the case of:


I think that the QName <soap:envelope> bounds the nature to being a SOAP 
envelope, but it does not fully distinguish between a SOAP envelope that's 
an invoice or a purchase order.  Whether RDDL should account for this 
second level of refinement I'm not sure. Saying it's an envelope is 
correct as far as it goes.

Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Tuesday, 17 January 2006 23:51:22 UTC