Re: specific terms in namespace documents [namespaceDocument-8]

  Dan Connolly wrote:

> Last week I said I was happy with
> and I mostly am, but since then it occurred to me that
> the namespace document at
> doesn't ground the term
> I'd like to see an HTML anchor a la id="integer" and
> for the output from GRDDL to include the triple

rddl:resource can be used as the anchor i.e.:

<rddl:resource id="int" xlink:role=" 
datatypes" ...>

... alternatively in RDDL 2.0

<a id="int" rddl:nature="">

and regarding

please have a look at:

(not yet complete e.g. has errors etc...) which does the following:

1. merges the RDDL 1.0 and RDDL 2.0 vocabularies in a backwards  
compatible fashion ... that is all valid RDDL 1.0 documents are  
compatible with this.
2. provides the GRDDL profile.

This document if for discussion.


Received on Thursday, 8 September 2005 19:55:27 UTC