Re: SWBPD WG Resolution Regarding httpRange-14

Tim Berners-Lee wrote:
> Could they for example please explain, in their
> ontology, semantics of an HTTP 200 response?

I'm not a member of the SWBPWG but couldn't resist:



In N-Triples form:

@prefix http = <> .
<> http:GET <mid:xxx-request> .
<mid:xxx-request> rdf:type http:Request .
<> http:GET <mid:xxx-response> .
<mid:xxx-response> rdf:type http:Response .

When the request and response messages are not assigned URIs, they are 
treated as anonymous nodes.

An RDF/XML syntax representation:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:http=""
     <http:Request rdf:parseType="Resource">
      <Request-URI rdf:resource="" />
      <Host rdf:resource="" />
     <http:Response rdf:parseType="Resource">
      <Body>This is an example document entity</Body>

In any case the semantics of the HTTP 200 response is about a 
representation not the resource, no?

It seems the most one can say is that the rdfs:domain of the http:GET 
property is non-hashed URIrefs (i.e. URIs). Is it being proposed that 
anything in this rdfs:domain ought not be an RDF Property?

Staying purely at the OWL level, what does this gain us?


Received on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 01:27:35 UTC