Re: C14N isn't widely used?

> For genx this would be fairly easy since genx doesn't do document
> subsets, which are where all the real gotchas pop up. However, it's also
> inappropriate for genx to do this.

It wasn't clear to me what the antecedent of "this" is.

I agree with the rest of Elliot's posting.  Let emphasize
something important: To do exc-c14n, every party doing it either
needs schema-awareness, to know when a QName is in the content,
or meta-data known as the inclusive namespaces prefix list.
One could imagine a PI that contained this data:
        <? exc-c14n-inclusive-namespaces "dp xslt" ?>

Hope this helps.
Rich Salz                  Chief Security Architect
DataPower Technology
XS40 XML Security Gateway

Received on Thursday, 3 March 2005 19:37:03 UTC