Principle of Least Power, "Motherhood and Apple Pie"


 ACTION: Roy and Norm to review

 -- Security item from June meeting in Cambridge

I note this article seems to be getting some attention; it
endorses #PLP as written...

"These are the principles of design that have brought us where we are
today and you can observe them working as designed in protocols and
formats such as HTTP, URIs, MIME, HTML, and even XML (sometimes), and
architectures such as REST.

I will quote TBL in his entirety because he explains the principle so
well: ..."
 -- Motherhood and Apple Pie  
By Ryan Tomayko under Then they laugh at you... on 21. July 2005

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Wednesday, 27 July 2005 17:25:19 UTC