XML Schema WG Versioning Resources

At our plenary meeting with the TAG in early March, I took an action to post a reference to resources being used by (not necessarily created by) the XML Schema WG in its work on versioning XML languages.  I am finally fulfilling that obligation.  Many apologies for having taken so long.

The resources page [1] is mostly public in content, with only a couple of things not publicly accessible, and those things are clearly marked on the page.  They are not being held private because they are sensitive:  rather, the effort required to make them public has been deemed not worthwhile.

Best regards,
David Ezell, Chair
XML Schema WG

[1] http://www.w3.org/2005/05/xsd-versioning-resources.html 

Received on Friday, 22 July 2005 21:15:27 UTC