Re: Significant W3C Confusion over Namespace Meaning and Policy

Dare Obasanjo wrote:
>>> No, they won't. At least not if you are using MSXML or System.Xml in the
>>> .NET Framework. The same problem exists with xml:base today. In both
>>> libraries, the assumption we made was that the XML namespace would be
>>> unchanging.
>> Based on what grounds did you decide to make such a bold assumption?
> [Dare Obasanjo] That decision was made before my time but given the
> fact that this thread started because of similar discussions around
> other specifications I don't think it is as unreasonable as you claim
> to think that the number of names within a namespace will be
> unchanging.

It's one thing to believe that a rule applies in vocabulary design 
(which is what sparked this thread) and another to imagine a restriction 
to be in the specification that's simply not there when implementing an 
XML framework that is supposedly generic. It's an obvious request for 

>>> For this reason, we don't allow users to specify a schema
>>> for the XML namespace but instead always use an internal schema with a
>>> fixed list of attribute declarations {xml:lang, xml:space}.
> Is there anything in the XML Schema spec that makes this behaviour
> conformant?
> [Dare Obasanjo] Yes. Schema locations are hints not directives. A XML
> Schema validator can ignore locations and use schemas it already knows
> about.

Oh right sorry, I'd forgotten that XML Schema was thoroughly broken in 
its specifying of xs:import. Still, it seems like a strange reason to 
expect the xml:* namespace to be fixed. The whole point of reserving 
names in the spec is so that future specs can add new ones!

Robin Berjon
   Research Scientist

Received on Wednesday, 16 February 2005 16:42:45 UTC