Re: httpRange-14: some dimensions of space of positions

Clarifying the space of possible positions is *always* useful.
On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Dan Connolly wrote:
>> Feature 1: Ambiguity -- Either it *doesn't exist*, or it exists but
>>            *isn't a problem*, or it exists and *is a problem*
 	It can exist and *can be a problem* in some cases. The Semantic 
Web makes as its central claim that a URI is a global identifier that can 
be shared across various boundaries. It is as yet unclear when mixing the
SemWeb and the OFWeb exactly how to maintain that notion of identity.

>> 2) Stipulate that Ambiguity exists, and that at least it _might_ be a
>> problem, then the question arises as to whether one or more explicit
>> ways/conventions/mechanisms should be adopted to differentiate between the
>> two uses of http: URIs in any particular case.
>> Feature 2: Differentiation -- *Yes* we should make it possible to
>>            differentiate, or *no* we shouldn't

Yes. A few techniques: URI Scheme (tdb://, wpn://), new MIME type 
(noninformationresource), a new type of error message (404+, 
non-information resource not network retrievable), a new form of 
representation (this web-page is *really* Pat Hayes, not just a 
web-page), some RDF vocabulary (objectDenotes). All of these have
possible benefits and problems.

>> 3) Stipulate that we should differentate, then the further question
>> arises as to how to do so.  I have identified three kinds of signal
>> one could use, there may well be others:
>> Feature 3: Signal -- Either use *far context* (e.g. information in the
>>                                              relevant schema)
>>                      or *near context* (e.g. the name of the enclosing
>>                                       element or attribute in the
>>                                       XML representation, c.f. Topic Maps
>>                                       resourceRef vs. subjectIndicatorRef)
>>                      or *internally* (e.g. # convention, tdb: and wpn:
>>                                     proposals)
> I think OWL is a standardized (and good) far-context mechanism.
> far in the sense of possibly-far, i.e. arbitrarily-near-or-far...
> it may be nearby or widely known/cached.

 	OWL is good, but still misses the point sometimes. If you just
make a new OWL statement that says ex:Denotes "Pat Hayes"
doesn't really work, cause sometimes Pat Hayes is Patrick Hayes,
and "Pat Hayes" sure looks like an arbitrary string to me :) ex:Denotes
doesn't really work, since it just moves the problem to another
potentially ambiguous URI. ex:Denotes
where the second use of the URI means "the non-information resource this
web-page is about" seems to break the idea of a URI being a global 
identity. It's using one URI for two different things, breaking RDF graph
merging etc.

> I think that the # convention is a good-practice.
> i.e. folks that use hashless URIs for things
> other than information resources are making things
> more difficult either for themselves or for others.

It's a good ad-hoc practice but it does seem to overload the poor # 
operator in a weird way.

  I can characterize my own position as

    [Ambiguity:    is a problem,
     Differention: yes,
     Signal:       near context]

I think solving it at the URI scheme level is the one fine way to do it, 
but possibly also troublesome (isn't Google also somehow defined by the 
exsistence of The cleanest way I can think of is 
just to define a RDDL like vocabulary for the representation to return 
that tells a user in good-old HTML that this http:// URI is about a 
non-information resource. Then we can use content negotiation to also
serve relevant RDF at the URI. After all, we gotta put those RDF 
statements *somewhere*.

>> I'll leave argumentation to a subsequent message -- I'd be interested
>> to hear _first_ from others whether this characterisation is accurate
>> and helpful.  If not accurate but at least potentially helpful,
>> suggested improvements are of course in order.


 	Harry Halpin
 	Informatics, University of Edinburgh

Received on Friday, 29 April 2005 14:53:20 UTC