RE: Information resources?

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of ext Sandro Hawke
Sent:	Thu 2004-09-09 21:18
To:	Norman Walsh
Subject:	Re: Information resources? 

> ... Wordnet
> (as currently published at is one of
> the few vocabularies with this problem; I expect to motivate DanBri
> to fix it soon.  

The approach presented in my separate posting:

Here is a concrete example of how one can use URIs to denote
a physical object, a web page describing that physical object,
and some representations, such that all of these resources
are "web resources" (i.e. have web accessible representations):               physical resource (dog)         abstract resource (web page)    representation     representation     representation

could also be used to solve the "14 MB representation" problem
with Wordnet schemas, by distinguishing between the terms
and their representations in a consistent hierarchical fashion.

http://.../wordnet                  the entire wordnet ontology
http://.../wordnet/index            the schema for the entire ontology
http://.../wordnet/index.html       HTML representation of above schema
http://.../wordnet/index.rdf        RDF representation of above schema
http://.../wordnet/X                class X of wordnet
http://.../wordnet/X/index          schema for class X
http://.../wordnet/X/index.html     HTML representation of above schema
http://.../wordnet/X/index.rdf      RDF representation of above schema
http://.../wordnet/X/Y              class Y (subclass of X)
http://.../wordnet/X/Y/index        schema for class X
http://.../wordnet/X/Y/index.html   HTML representation of above schema
http://.../wordnet/X/Y/index.rdf    RDF representation of above schema


And employ redirections/rewriting/conneg/etc. to serve
representations of these resources efficiently -- so that
when one asks for a representation of some terminal class,
e.g. http://.../wordnet/X/Y/Z/a/b/c, one does not get the 
whole enchilada, a representation of the entire ontology,
or some major top level class, but only that which is 
relevant to that particular, exact resource.


Received on Friday, 10 September 2004 07:09:19 UTC