[XMLVersioning-41] Noah Mendelsohn Versioning Analysis for XML Schema WG (RESEND)


The original version of this note was sent to the tag
mailing list on August 4th.  There were two
attachments, and subscribers to the list tell me that
they received both.  Unfortunately, some bug in the w3c
archiving software resulted in the two being combined
in the archive in a manner that was not a clean 
copy of either.

Since the bug seems to relate to sending two
attachments at once, I am here attaching only the HTML
version of the file.  The text version has already been
reposted at [1].

Sorry for any confusion.

The text of my original note follows.  I suggest that
discussion be held on the thread originating with this
second copy.  Thank you.


[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2004Aug/att-0009/NRMVersioningProposal.txt.


In parallel with the Tag's analysis of versioning issues, the XML Schema 
workgroup has been looking at the problem from an XML Schema perspective. 
As part of that discussion, I prepared some notes that were posted several 

weeks ago to the members-only schema-IG mailing list.  With the permission 

of the workgroup, I am reposting them here where they can be viewed by 
non-W3C members.

This analysis does NOT represent the considered position of the schema WG, 

or for that matter of my employer (IBM).  On the contrary, other 
approaches have been suggested, and the workgroup has yet to take a formal 

position on any of the proposals.  I offer these notes in the hope that 
they will contribute to the Tags analysis of the issues and opportunities. 

 I would call your attention particularly to the two introductory sections 

titled "Assumptions and Rationale" and "Separation of Concerns", as I 
think these cover issues that should be considered for most any approach 
to versioning and evolution.

The documents were originally prepared as HTML using a relatively popular 
word processor.  I was later told that there were font problems rendering 
on Macs and some other non-Windows platforms.  Accordingly, I made a 
second copy in .txt format.  The two attachments to this note are 
identical in content except for formatting.

I hope this is helpful to the Tag in it's deliberations on versioning.


Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Friday, 6 August 2004 16:32:37 UTC