Re: Arch Doc: 26 September 2003 Editor's Draft

> Why did you change from descriptive links to descriptive metadata?  My 
> poor
> brain starts to hurt when a link is either a link or metadata.  Why 
> not keep
> as hypertext links and descriptive links?

Because hypertext is very descriptive.  My distinction was between 
and descriptive links, which would work in that sentence except that
nobody would know what we mean.

> While you answered a number of my earlier questions in various emails 
> to
> other people, you didn't answer the question about whether web service
> references, such as <callback location="mycallbackserviceuri"/> is a
> hypertext link or a different kind of link.

Are the contents of a successful PUT hypertext if the body is HTML,
or does it only become hypertext after a GET?

Answer me that and you will have your answer on the callback.

Hint: the information space exists independent from the current
set of agents acting upon it.  Telling a server to issue a callback
is no different from creating a resource on the server with a
set of trigger semantics -- it is a link for an agent to traverse.


Received on Monday, 29 September 2003 20:29:20 UTC