Re: Arch Doc: 26 September 2003 Editor's Draft

> OK, but the phrase as stated baffled at least one reader.  Rather than 
> get into a taxonomy of all the different kinds of ways you might use a 
> URI, perhaps just say "... that are addressed and interconnected using 
> URIs."  Or some such. -T

Because I don't like putting the tail before the dog.  URIs are a
product of Web architecture decisions (we could have chosen a
different identifier technology).  Besides, then we get into a
fight over what "addressed" means, and maybe over "interconnected"
as well.

I could live with

    The World Wide Web is a networked information space consisting
    of resources that are interconnected via explicit links defined
    by hypertext and metadata found in that space.

I am really, really, really trying hard to encompass both the
browser technology and a theoretical ontology graph consisting
solely of terms and definitions.


Received on Monday, 29 September 2003 20:06:15 UTC