Re: Action: Rewrite para 4 of 4.10.4.

Norman Walsh wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> The paragraph in question is:
>   It is common practice to assume that when an element has an
>   attribute that is declared in a DTD to be of type ID, then the
>   fragment identifier #abc identifies the element which has an
>   attribute of that type whose value is "abc". However, there is no
>   normative support for this assumption and it is problematic in
>   practice, since the only defined way to establish that an attribute
>   is of type ID is via a DTD, which may not exist or may not be
>   available.
> I've "rewritten" it as shown below

I like your stuff, but I regret the loss of the strong statement "there 
is no normative support" for assuming that #bar means <whatever 
id="bar">  -Tim

Received on Wednesday, 3 September 2003 16:02:27 UTC