Re: [Minutes] 20 Oct 2003 TAG teleconf (abstractComponentRefs-37, URI Syntax, RFC 3023)

>>> I was troubled by Roy's assertion that parens in fragids were illegal
>>> and contrary to the BNF for a URI.
> ERH> That's not really what Roy said, at least in his original post  
> which
> ERH> you can read here:
> ERH>  
> 2002OctDec/0039.html
> Thanks for the pointer, which indeed merely says that parens and
> quotes are "hard to parse", a statement easily rebutted by example.
> I was responding to what Roy said on the telcon, which seemed to
> be exactly that parens should not be used in fragids.

Because they shouldn't, not because they are disallowed. I also said  
XPointer is broken because it specifies characters disallowed by 2396,
but that was referring to the message that Elliotte dug up.  Parens are
just bad design.  Any form of balanced delimiter syntax is silly within
an LR parsed syntax -- all it does is make implementations less  


Received on Friday, 24 October 2003 17:55:21 UTC