Re: [Agenda] 20 Oct 2003 TAG teleconf (abstractComponentRefs-37, writing assignment review)

On Thu, 2003-10-16 at 12:16, Ian B. Jacobs wrote:
> [1]
> 1. Administrative (15min)
>     1. Welcome, Roll call. Regrets: SW.

me too; I'm at ISWC near RSW.

> 2. Technical (75min)
>     1. abstractComponentRefs-37
>     2. Review of 3023-related actions
>     3. Review of Architecture Document writing assignments
>   2.1 abstractComponentRefs-37
>      * [12]abstractComponentRefs-37: [13]Summary of options from DO
>           + Action DO 2003/10/08: Write up resolution from 8 Oct 2003
>             meeting and include in finding on this topic.

I can't find this, so I presume this issue won't be closed tomorrow.

>   2.2 Review of 3023-related actions
>           Actions 2003/10/08:
>           - NW to liaise with Paul Grosso and the XML Core WG
>           - TBL and DC to liaise with the IETF regarding obsoleting RFC
>           3023.

We made some progress; not having been there when the action was
made up, I dunno whether we're done or not.

>           - TB to talk to authors of 3023 about inclusion as appendix in
>           xml 1.1.
>           - TBL and DC will talk to the Architecture Domain Lead.


>    DC
>          1. Action DC 2003/07/21: Propose language for section 2.8.5
>             showing examples of freenet and other systems.

Apologies; please continue.

I have been doing some noodling...

>   2.5 Findings
>    See also [15]TAG findings home page.
>      * [16]whenToUseGet-7: Finding: [17]URIs, Addressability, and the use
>        of HTTP GET and POST
>           + Action DC 2003/09/15: Provide TAG with pointers into WS specs
>             where issue of safe operations is manifest.

Hmm... please continue. no progress, sorry.

>     2.6.2 Qnames, fragments, and media types([44]rdfmsQnameUriMapping-6,
>     [45]fragmentInXML-28, [46]abstractComponentRefs-37, [47]putMediaType-38)
>      [44]
>      [45]
>      [46]
>      [47]
>      * [48]xmlIDSemantics-32: [49]Chris Lilley draft finding.
>           + The TAG is monitoring the Core WG's progress on this issue.
>      * [50]rdfmsQnameUriMapping-6
>           + Action DC 2003/02/06: Propose TAG response to XML Schema
>             desideratum ([51]RQ-23).

ugh... a little progress, not much. Please continue.

>      * [76]rdfURIMeaning-39
>      [76]

FYI, we've had 2 telcons and we have one more planned for 30 Oct.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Sunday, 19 October 2003 17:40:32 UTC