Re: "On the Web" vs "On the Semantic Web" (was Re: resources and URIs)

pat hayes wrote:

> PS.  Reading things like this makes me wonder whether you guys inhabit 
> the same planet as the rest of us. Things with hearts and multiple 
> interfaces, arranged in layers...?? What the hell are you talking 
> about??? Here I am looking out of my window at an oak tree and I wonder 
> if its a resource, and what its interfaces could be, and what layer it 
> would be in....

If someone publishes an URI for it and, even better, provides 
representations (and even, better the representations include audio and 
video and photos), then yes, that oak tree is on the Web as far as I, or 
any software I write, can tell.
Cheers, Tim Bray
         (ongoing fragmented essay:

Received on Saturday, 19 July 2003 16:52:34 UTC