Please keep it clean Re: Clarifying what a URL identifies (Four Uses of a URL)

On Wednesday, Jan 22, 2003, at 04:32 US/Eastern, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

> Why is it that the newcomers at have an opinion on this subject
> that differs from W3C's own libwww implementation?  I think you guys
> should spend a little more time studying how the Web works instead of
> inventing new ways to disparage other people's designs.

The people with email addresses on this list act in general
as individuals.  Whether an opinion are add odds with a piece
of code requires more than a statement to determine.

>> You could take David's message as a sign that a whole raft of
>> professional software developers think this notion of Resource while
>> workable is somewhere between poorly explained and imperfect.
> I don't.  I take it as a sign that someone at W3C suggested the team
> should look into this problem and make noise.  I suggest that you look
> into the problem a little deeper and without assuming that the
> Semantic Web is somehow broken because of it.

Roy, I am afraid that  comment was inappropriate for this list.
No one has suggested anyone should make noise anywhere
as far as I know.

Sandro and David have differing views, both as individuals.

This comment is not the only one in the last few days which has
been too hasty.  I would ask all posters to stick to the
argument itself, to made a serious effort to understand where
others are coming from, and of course to avoid innuendo and
personal deprecation.  If in doubt, leave it in your Drafts folder

Tim BL

Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2003 21:38:11 UTC