Re: The Web Services Architecture WG position on XML profiling/subset ting

Mike wrote:
Additional features that would make XML more widely useful 
would be desireable to further enhance the
composability of XML documents, e.g. by a standardized mechanism
allowing an
XML parser to handle files containing multiple well-formed XML fragments
without an enclosing element, 

I actually believe that allowing multiple top level elements and even
text nodes becomes increasingly important.

XSLT already provides for serializing such "forests", XQuery can
generate them and relational database systems are providing or planning
to provide XML as a native data type that can contain element contents. 

As noted above, this is very useful for composability (XInclude may
benefit as well) and is happening already.

As to the discussion of subsetting XML 1.0, I can understand to factor
DTDs out, although as others, I have some issues with dropping

Best regards

PS: Please cc me on replies, since I am currently traveling and have my
list memberships reduced to keep email traffic manageable...

Received on Saturday, 18 January 2003 23:18:26 UTC