Re: Proposed issue: site metadata hook

On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, 10:52:09 AM, Patrick wrote:

>> The solution should also allow a distributed and scalable architecture
>> that allows multiple users to share one server, rather than the wildly
>> unrealistic and unfair constraint of the server owner controlling
>> everything.

PSnc> While I'm all for the most flexible and enabling solution, I think
PSnc> this issue of some users not having control over their servers is
PSnc> a social issue, not a technical issue.

That is where you would be wrong. Fixing it (by for example giving
everyone a free server they control) would be a social issue. Failing
to account for this restriction in a technical architecture is a
technical issue.

PSnc> Folks that live in apartment buildings don't have total control
PSnc> over their domiciles. If they want total control, they should
PSnc> buy a house.

I am not especially interested in building a web architecture that
only applies to corporate brochure publishers and ignores anyone else
as irrelevant.

PSnc> And if enough tenants in a given apartment building (enough users
PSnc> of a given server) want some change to the shared resources, then
PSnc> they can request it, or demand it, or then find a more suitable
PSnc> place to live.

Thats a social issue ;-)

PSnc> Whatever solution is promoted, it should not disregard the rights
PSnc> of server owners to decide how their servers are used,

Sure, server owners should be able to lock down a server if they want
to. But that should not be the default option and not the only option.

PSnc> and the
PSnc> fact that folks residing on those servers have agreed to waive
PSnc> certain rights in order to reside there.

No, they have not so agreed. And an unrealistic, elitist and utopian
architecture that applies only to some small fraction of content
providers is just a waste of time.

Besides, the same problem afflicts corporates too so its not some
bleeding heart liberal philosophy here - its pragmatism.


Received on Wednesday, 12 February 2003 18:40:27 UTC