Re: Proposed issue: site metadata hook (slight variation)

Seairth Jacobs wrote,
> From: "Miles Sabin" <>
> > I think, tho', that there's a slight variation on this scheme which
> > fixes both problems. Rather than a new request method we could
> > introduce a new request header (call it Meta:) which can be added
> > as a qualifier to an existing HTTP request. Servers which recognize
> > the qualifier can respond with metadata corresponding to the
> > request, and supply a distinct URI for the metadata itself via the
> > Content-Location response header.
> I believe this is similar to the suggestion that Roger Costello and
> David Jacobs have been pushing.  Se the distributed-registry list at
> YahooGroups. (note:  as they have discussed, this is not actually a
> "registry" thing, so that was a bad naming choice when they started
> the list.)

Yup ... and remiss of me not to mention it. The details had slipped my 

But there's a crucial difference. My proposal (which is really only a 
minor variation on Patricks) uses a _request_ header, to allow clients 
to actively request metadata. The current distributed-registry proposal 
only allows servers to provide unsolicited metadata responses.



Received on Wednesday, 12 February 2003 10:00:17 UTC