Re: [xmlProfiles-29] xml subsetting in IETF XMPP

On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 01:57:31PM -0500, Norman Walsh wrote:

> | It seems to be about < & &pos; etc..
> |   I asked on the xmpp list to explain the rationale behind this
> | decision. I'll forward the answer.
> Yes, please. I'm with Henry, if you don't allow < that's just not XML.
> (Do they intend to allow <?)

That was a typo -- see previous message.

The current text (in draft-ietf-xmpp-core-07) is this:


8. XML Usage within XMPP

8.1 Restrictions

   XMPP is a simplified and specialized protocol for streaming XML
   elements in order to exchange messages and presence information in
   close to real time.  Because XMPP does not require the parsing of
   arbitrary and complete XML documents, there is no requirement that
   XMPP must support the full XML specification [1].  In particular, the
   following restrictions apply:

   With regard to XML generation, an XMPP implementation MUST NOT inject
   into an XML stream any of the following:

   o  comments (as defined in Section 2.5 of the XML specification [1])

   o  processing instructions (Section 2.6)

   o  internal or external DTD subsets (Section 2.8)

   o  internal or external entity references (Section 4.2) with the
      exception of predefined entities (Section 4.6)

   With regard to XML processing, if an XMPP implementation receives
   such restricted XML data, it MUST ignore the data.


Comments welcome.


Peter Saint-Andre
Jabber Software Foundation

Received on Thursday, 3 April 2003 15:16:21 UTC