RE: two failings of XLink

Hi Jeni,

Jeni said:
OK; if I interpret 'styling' as "supplying a presentation form of" it
sounds to me as if it should be able to embed the result of 'styling'
a Java class (i.e. an applet).

Didier replies:
You're absolutely right Jeni. In some cases the activeX or java applet
will be a non visual object but it can also and is most of the time a
visual object. The "embed" attribute is very ambiguous as is any non
semantic attribute associated to links. I would categorize this as a bug
in the Xlink specs and it would be better to recommend not using it. The
host domain language knows better the rendition context if that host
language is a rendering language. Now the question is: do we still want
to have XHTML as a rendering language or do we want it to evolve into a
common denominator "document semantics" domain language.

Didier PH Martin

Received on Saturday, 28 September 2002 10:54:50 UTC