Re: My action item on Moby Dec, issue 14, etc

Jonathan Borden wrote,
> A URIref is a _label_ for a _node_. Each URIref uniquely and
> unambiguously labels the node. Not all nodes are required to have
> labels. Nodes may have properties and these properties may relate one
> node to another.

This might well be a perfect description of an idealization of the web, 
in the same way as a regualar grammar might be thought to be an 
idealization of a natural language. But neither bear very much 
resemblances to either the web or natural language as they actually 

The actually-existing web isn't simply a collection of abstract nodes 
and processes: it's a network of extrinsically semantically laden 
entities created and maintained by people. As such it's liable to all 
the ambiguities, contradictions and general messiness that characterize 
natural language and other social phenomena.

You can pretend otherwise, but if you do you'll end up with a very 
precise description of completely the wrong thing.



Received on Friday, 20 September 2002 11:12:31 UTC