Re: IRIs everywhere (including XML namespaces)

On Thursday, October 24, 2002, 10:21:13 AM, Rick wrote:

RJ> Elliotte Rusty Harold <> wrote:

>> That said, I am worried that at least some existing parsers may not 
>> be making the proper IRI-to-URI conversion. 

RJ> Then the answer is not to ban IRIs but to promote them.

RJ> Non-ASCII users have been badly treated by the ASCII-only "minimum
RJ> literal" approach, which perhaps ultimately stems from the DNS
RJ> community's failure of interest in i18n.

RJ> A lack of leadership to forcefully promote IRIs will leave
RJ> non-ASCII users as second-class citizens. People want to be able
RJ> to write directly using their local writing system, and for
RJ> software and infrastructure to handle it.

True,and worse - they will develop their own, possibly regional,
possibly proprietary, and certainly not globally interoperable
solutions to this very real problem. Which will affect those in the
asciiverse once they want to do business with those folks.


Received on Monday, 28 October 2002 16:42:11 UTC