RE: Namespaces 1.1 Last Call -- I18N WG comments

#  If you are reading this mail in the mail archive, then note that   #
#  a number of important characters and strings are wrongly rendered. #

Hi Richard,

The following response is informal and is not exhaustive.

> Here are the sections of the spec (2.2, 9, appendix B) relevant to
> your comments.
> I hope the non-ASCII characters don't get messed up in the mail!
> -- Richard
> 2.2 Use of IRIs as Namespace Names
> [Definition: IRI references which identify namespaces are considered
> identical if and only if they are exactly the same
> character-for-character.] This is described in greater detail, with
> examples, in B Comparing IRI References.

The definition of "exactly the same character-for-character" does *not*
belong in an appendix.  In particular, the definition should make clear 
that the string comparison should be preceded by the steps described in:

   3.3.3 Attribute-Value Normalization


> Appendix B Comparing IRI References
> IRI references identifying namespaces are compared when determining
> whether a name belongs to a given namespace, and whether two names
> belong to the same namespace. The two IRIs are treated as strings, and
> they are identical if the strings are identical, that is, if they are
> the same sequence of characters. The comparison is case-sensitive, and
> no %-escaping is done or undone.
> A consequence of this is that IRI references which are not identical
> in this sense may resolve to the same resource. Examples include IRI
> references which differ only in case or %-escaping, or which are in
> external entities which have different base URIs (but note that
> relative IRIs are deprecated as namespace names).
> In a namespace declaration, the IRI reference is the normalized value
> of the attribute, so replacement of XML character and entity
> references has already been done before any comparison.

Three problems here:
-  it seems to be the first time normalization is mentioned
-  it is mentioned in passing
-  the type of normalization isn't specified

The last of these is particularly problematic, as the XML 1.1 CR
addresses also a completely different normalization:

> Examples:
> The IRI references below are different for the purposes of identifying
> namespaces, since they differ in case:

It would be preferable to use the same examples as below, eg:éÉ

> The IRI references below are also all different for the purposes of
> identifying namespaces:
> If the entity eacute has been defined to be é, the start tags below
> all contain namespace declarations binding the prefix p to the same
> IRI reference,é.
>   <p:foo xmlns:p="é">
>   <p:foo xmlns:p=";">
>   <p:foo xmlns:p=";">
>   <p:foo xmlns:p=";">
>   <p:foo xmlns:p=";"> 


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Received on Friday, 29 November 2002 14:23:12 UTC