Re: replacing all URIs with IRIs [charmodReview-17]

On Friday, May 24, 2002, at 06:11 PM, Martin Duerst wrote:

> Hello Aaron,

Hi there.

> First some procedural points, starting with the end
> of your mail:
>> I'm considering appealing this decision,
> The Character Model is in last call, so you can raise a comment.

Oops, I should have been more clear. It was the RDF decision I was 
thinking of appealing. I assume that charmod will be decided in its own 

>> I can understand presenting strings this way for user-display and 
>> user-entry but storing them this way and making them the official 
>> encoding seems to be going too far.
> XML can 'store' them without problems. N3 also should be able to do it.

XML and N3 are interchange formats, I meant storage in the sense of 
databases and APIs.

>> I would think that simply using UTF-8 %-encoding would be fine for 
>> these purposes.
> Why do you think so? Would you think it would make sense to replace
> with something like
>     mailto:%6d%65@%a1%a1%72%6f%6e%73%77.%63%6f%6d
> or maybe even more appropriately, with something like the above
> but using Greek letters instead of Latin ones? This is just about
> how people using another script than Latin in their day-to-day
> work would feel. Why should they have to use special tools
> (having to do syntax analysis so that they can figure out
> where a % is an escape character and when not,...) just to
> be able to read the text, just because some tools make too
> restrictive assumptions?

I totally understand the feeling and agree with it. It's silly to have 
to enter something in like that. But that's why I have a computer to 
convert it for me. I already have my computer convert "Aar" to 
"" and "Dür" I don't expect 
them folks to use any special tools. In fact, requiring Unicode would 
require me to go and replace a lot of my software with special i18nized 

Aaron Swartz‽ []

Received on Friday, 24 May 2002 19:40:20 UTC