My review of 0607 document

I've reviewed the 0607 draft [1] and have the following comments:

- I'd like to see the texts that have been written on shared information
space and REST incorporated into the document.

- Aren't there other sections that have been written by TAG members that
could be incorporated?

- Section 1.3, the 2nd and 3rd requirements incorrectly point to TAG issue
#8.  TAG issue #8 is different and unrelated to  these requirements.

- Chapter 2, "Use XML": What does that mean?  Does that mean XML 1.0, XML
1.0 + Schema, the infoset, any or all of the preceeding?  Seems like the web
architecture document, that includes XML, ought to have some more explicit
description of which portions of XML to use.

- Appendix A1.1, the "Note on canonical form of URIs:" is incorrect I
believe.  This is an issue currently before the tag.



Received on Friday, 21 June 2002 19:30:20 UTC