Re: Background information on GET and XForms (was: GET should be encouraged...)

On Tuesday 29 January 2002 12:57 pm, Dan Connolly wrote:
> Then I started worrying about patents and stuff... good to
> know the idea is published.

That just fired a neuron.

The Sun patent on string-range linking might well have been preceeded 
by Novell's (or someone else's) use of such hyperlinks in their 
techdoc. They used to link to sections via searches on text contained 
in the titles (in other words, linking via string ranges).

In DynaText, that looked like:
      query("<section> cont <title> cont 'My Title'")
in XPointer
      xpointer(string-range(//section/title,"My Title"))

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2002 15:26:45 UTC