RE: Is "simplicity" a useful architectural constraint?

> Another useful metric of grokability (do we really have to eat them?)
> is the speed with which translations into other languages occur.

And then there's translations into Plain English.

I saw a recent post on XMLSchema-dev where someone quoted the spec:

> In the Rec it says that when namespace="##other", the {namespace
> constraint} of the wildcard schema component is:

> "a pair of not and the actual value of the targetNamespace attribute
>  of the schema ancestor element information item if present,
>  otherwise absent."

This caused me a moment of panic, as I'm mentally stringing together two
NAND gates and wonder why I have only two inputs when I should have three,
and how I could be digging through the XML Schema spec for two years now and
not notice that they were using boolean NAND expressions in some of the
conditional clauses of the spec, and wondering if all spec writers routinely
use such expressions when explaining thorny conditional dependencies.

Then I looked at the reference:

Ah, never underestimate the power of italics... 

Received on Friday, 4 January 2002 14:21:24 UTC