Equivalence and multiple-role URIs (WAS: Posted draft of URI comparison finding)

Larry Masinter wrote,
> I think at the root of many of the difficulties in this discussion is
> what seems like an assumption that there is (or should be) only one
> notion of "equivalence" for URIs.
> But among the set of all possible strings (sequences of characters),
> there are many different equivalence relationships.

I think this is exactly right.

> And it would be helpful for applications that use a fine granularity
> equivalence relationship to avoid the situation where two identifiers
> that are equivalent under some relationships are used differently,
> e.g., mandate that once a namespace name is assigned, no other string,
> equivalent under coarser rules, should also be used as a namespace
> name.

This too.

To spell it out a bit more, the problem here is that we have the same 
string functioning in two roles (as a namespace identifier, as a 
resource identifier), where each role implies a different equivalence 

To illustrate,

  <foo:wibble xmlns:foo="http://a/b/c/%7A"

Applying the current namespace identifier equivalence relation, foo and 
bar are distinct namespaces. However, applying the RFC 2396/2616 rules 
the two are equivalent and an attempt to retrieve a namespace document 
will have the same result in both cases. If the two namespaces really 
are distinct that seems wrong.

So if namespace identifiers _are_ to be used for the retrieval of 
namespace documents there doesn't seem to be much option but to use RFC 
2396 + scheme-specific rules for the namespace identifier equivalence 
relation too ... which would be unfortunate IMO.



Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2002 06:32:52 UTC