Re: storing info in XSL-FO: new issue? [was: Draft TAG Finding:...]

Also sprach

 > Is there, for example, a worthwhile semantic difference between the 
 > following?

  <h1>"Formatting Objects Considered Harmful"</h1>

  <p>""Formatting Objects Considered Harmful"</p>

  <svg:text>"Formatting Objects Considered Harmful"</svg:text>

Yes. For example, using Opera, you can move from one heading to the
other with the W and S keys. Opera understands that H1 represents a
heading, but not the p or svg:text -- the information that the string
is a heading has been lost.

 > Are you seriously suggesting that SVG too is "harmful" and should be 
 > abandoned because it lacks the historical domain-specific idiosyncracies of 
 > HTML?

SVG is harmful when used to replace semantically richer formats (like HTML).

SVG is helpful when used to replace semantically poorer formats (like GIF).


              Håkon Wium Lie                          cto °þe®ª        

Received on Friday, 16 August 2002 10:51:15 UTC