RE: 13 Aug Arch Doc available for review (skw-...01)

On Wed, 2002-08-14 at 13:07, Williams, Stuart wrote:
> [skw-2002-08-14-01]
> My preference would be that we
> pulled the reference material to the front of the document with little/none
> of the narrative that elaborates on a terse/crisp set of staments of
> principle.

Could you be more specific/concrete about what you want this stuff
up front to say?

I think the document has gone too far in the terseness direction.
If the document doesn't motivate/justify the principles, it's
of little value, to me.

> The other temptation would be to put a reference at the back.... as a
> recap/summary...

I can live with any sort of index at the back, but please
let's not just state principles with no motivation.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2002 14:30:00 UTC