Re: [httpRange-14] What do HTTP URIs Identify?

On Wednesday, July 31, 2002, at 09:04 PM, Mark Baker wrote:

> I'm just tossing this summary "out there" in case it can be of use ...
> As I see it, we've got two models in front of us.  TimBL's appears to me
> to be self-consistent, as does Roy's.  But TimBL doesn't believe that
> Roy's is, due to TimBL's perceived inability for HTTP to distinguish
> between the resource identified by the URI, and a representation of it.
> Given that, I can fully understand his push back on this issue.
> But Roy says that there is no inconsistency in his model, because HTTP
> 1.1 was fixed in 1995 to handle this (Content-Location?).
> So as a first step, TimBL should verify that the fix that Roy refers to
> does in fact make Roy's model self-consistent.  This is why I've asked
> Roy for the details.

You misunderstand what I mean by document.  I am NOT
talking about a representation.
When a picture fo a car is available
in JPEG and PNG, there is a great value to being identify the
picture.  It is the picture which is the timbl:Document ,
either representation (PNG or JPEG). It is not the car.

(It is what folks on the street in a lot of cases think of
as a "web page")

If you go with Roy's idea that the URI identifies the car,
then you have no URI left for the document.

> If we get that far, then I think the rest of the issue should
> practically resolve itself (hah!), as we can weigh the pros and cons of
> each.
> Thanks.
> MB
> --
> Mark Baker, CTO, Idokorro Mobile (formerly Planetfred)
> Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA.     

Received on Monday, 5 August 2002 09:21:35 UTC