Re: from the RDF model theory: Re: [httpRange-14] What do HTTP URIs Identify?

Jonathan Borden wrote,
> From the RDF model theory (1.2)
> "Urirefs are treated as logical constants, i.e. as names which denote
> something (the things are called 'resources', but no assumptions are
> made about the nature of resources.)
> ...
> Similarly, the model theory given here has no special provision for
> tracking temporal changes. It assumes, implicitly, that urirefs have
> the same meaning whenever they occur.To provide an adequate semantics
> which would be sensitive to temporal changes is a research problem
> which is beyond the scope of this document.
> "

This is fine for closed formal systems. But I simply fail to see how 
these constraints (identifiers as logical constants, absence of change) 
can be imposed on a system as open and messy as the web.



Received on Friday, 2 August 2002 17:54:09 UTC