What is a namespace document (Re: Summary of 1 April 2002 TAG teleconference)

I think it is better for W3C to settle on a single definite version for RDDL. Whether it uses
XLink or RDF is not so important. The Internet is built on layers, where each layer
supports a plurality at the next: RDDL provides this.

TAG members, in considering "what is a namespace" may also be interested in
a DTD I posted to the DOM mail list[1] (in response to Abstract Syntax Last Call)
on "named-information-item configuration file".  We needed this for our editor:
it fills in the current gap between DTDs and XML schemas (W3C XML Schemas,
RELAX NG and Schematron):
   DTD - schema = named information items

It includes simple lists of elements, organized into namespaces but with no
content models. These lists have turned out to be very handy for importing
into an editor various configuration items which is not appropriate for 
a schema (e.g. entity declarations) and augmenting them. 

The advantage of RDDL is that we can add things like this configuration
file, which deal with how particular requirements related to document
type or applications but which are not (at least for DBMS people) "schemas".

Rick Jeliffe

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2002JanMar/0290.html

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2002 07:40:43 UTC