Re: TAG - representation "from the larger Web community"? wrote:
> The Press Release for the TAG
> (
> states:
> "The composition of the TAG is balanced between elected and appointed
> participants, from W3C Members, the W3C Team, and from the larger Web
> community."
> Which of the members of TAG are neither W3C Members (or employees
> thereof) or members (or former members) of the W3C Team? In other
> words, what is the representation from the larger Web community?

Hello Andrew,

Tim Bray and Roy Fielding are not members of W3C. Tim Bray was appointed
by Tim Berners-Lee; Roy Fielding was nominated and elected by the

Tim Bray has participated in W3C work, true, but primarily as an Invited
Expert. There were times when he carried an affiliation with a Member,
but that was many years ago. His work as co-editor of the XML 1.0
Specification is well recognized. His company,, is not a W3C

Roy Fielding, Chairman of the Apache Software Foundation, is also the
co-author of the HTTP/1.1 specification. HTTP/1.1 was developed at the
IETF, not W3C. His company, eBuilt, Inc, is not a W3C Member. Neither is
the Apache Software Foundation - nor have they ever been.

In short, both Tim and the Membership had choices, and both chose to
expand the TAG to include these people, as their views and understanding
bring much in strength and breadth. 

To list all participants, and how they came to join the TAG, is not
silence...  though pointing out the people who are not Members would
have been an additional clarifying point, I agree. 

Best regards,



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Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2001 09:05:51 UTC