Re: TAG - representation "from the larger Web community"?

On Wed, 2001-12-12 at 05:31, wrote:
> The Press Release for the TAG 
> ( states:
> "The composition of the TAG is balanced between elected and appointed 
> participants, from W3C Members, the W3C Team, and from the larger Web 
> community."
> Which of the members of TAG are neither W3C Members (or employees thereof) or 
> members (or former members) of the W3C Team?

Tim Bray (appointed) and Roy Fielding (elected).

> In other words, what is the 
> representation from the larger Web community?

I'm not sure being outside the W3C Team and W3C Membership should
be equated with representing the larger Web community... ultimately,
Tim Bray represents what he thinks is right, as does Roy.

But Tim Bray was appointed, in part, because of his ability
to keep his ear to the ground in xml-dev, the XML conference
community, etc. and Roy's qualifications include a long
history of open source development, open technical discussion,

The ability to listen to the larger commmunity and
to explain things in such a way that the larger community
understands and agrees is critical to the success of the TAG.
Only time will tell how well we manage to do that...
I trust folks like yourself will keep us honest.

Also... the "composition of the TAG" includes not just the
9 elected/appointed folks, but also participants like yourself.

> The Press Release goes on to say, "... five TAG participants are elected 
> bythe W3C Membership and three are appointed by the Director". The 
> participation "from the larger Web community" is the subject of a notable 
> silence at that point.
> Could that silence be because there is no representation of the larger Web 
> community?

Your own mail message (and this reply) suggests otherwise.

I'm interested to know what your interests are w.r.t. Web Architecture.
I don't make a habit of peeking into URIs, but lacking other
clues from your message, I took the liberty...
is it safe to infer from your email
address that you're an SVG developer? Does your experience lead
to any particular desired outcome from this group? Lessons
learned that you'd like to see widely disseminated?

> Andrew Watt

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2001 08:52:58 UTC