Fwd: Re: Rectangle height and width

Since you ignored the rest of my mail were i started to explain what i
said, I think I am better off by just not arguing any further.
Getting around your issue is super simple as i laid out and there are
enough other reasons left to discuss.

Best regards

PS: width is NO direction!!

> Am 12.06.2018 10:34 schrieb "Steven Pemberton" <steven.pemberton@cwi.nl>:
>> On Sun, 10 Jun 2018 14:22:33 +0200, Fuzzy Ma <ulima.ums@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I remember, that I came across the same issue and therefore I must
kinda agree, that this would make coding a little bit easier at some
points, BUT:
>>> In my opinion allowing negative widths and heights does not make sense.
>>> There is nothing such negative space as well as their is nothing like
negative time.
>> This is just not true!
>> There are negative times (we get one once a year when we move from DST
to Winter time). There are negative weights. There are negative distances,
speeds, amounts of money.
>> And spaces.
>> If I subtract a positive area from a positive area it is *exactly the
same* as adding a negative area.
>> It shocks me that I have to explain this to computer scientists in the
21st century.
>> It also amazes me that I have to rewrite programs because SVG doesn't
accept fully that there are positive and negative directions...
>> Best wishes,
>> Steven Pemberton

Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2018 09:19:59 UTC