Re: SVG's future

Tab Atkins Jr.:

> > [snip quite a lot]

>  Stop this now.
> ~TJ

yet another unproductive attempt to keep someone's trap shut about nonsense at 
Why, if we know already, that SVG 2 is dead and several other activities of 
the W3C like semantic web, separation of content and decoration, are borked 
now for years?

No own suggestions/ideas, what to do to get SVG implementations complete?
I think, there are meanwhile millions of authors with a lot of content around,
much interested in complete implementations, without a need to worry about 
different bugs and caps in different common user-agents, surely a lot of them 
interested as well in a new version of SVG with new features, simplifying 
their work or even allowing new types of images.


Received on Saturday, 11 February 2017 17:55:02 UTC