Re: [SVG2 CR] viewport-fill, viewport-fill-opacity


of course, this should be presentations attributes, not only CSS properties.
Usually for most SVG documents there are no stylesheets provided and the style 
attribute is the wrong approach as well.

The example is only a tag soup example (it has not even the structure of a 
valid XML document), not obvious, what applies for such tag soup anyway.
There is no indication, what language is used, surely not SVG.
We need a clear definition/statement for SVG independent
from the host language, a fragment might be embedded in or not.
And of course, it can be expected, that the CR contains valid examples and
not just arbitrary tag soup ;o)

On the one hand the CSS background properties are more flexible than the
orignal SVG attributes, on the other hand not all of them are of urgent need 
for SVG documents and because we already have  viewport-fill, viewport-fill-
opacity in the SVG namespace for this purpose, to introduce renamed 
presentation attributes looks suboptimal.


Paul LeBeau:
> I brought this up in issue 199.
> The answer there is that the CSS backround attribute(s) can do the job
> instead.  And all the browsers seem to support it.
> However the only reference in the spec to this is the indirect reference in
> the sample SVG in section 13.3.
> If it is official, then it probably ought to be added to the spec somewhere
> - at least to the properties index in the appendix.
> There are two issues I have with replacing viewport-fill with background:
> 1. *Support in non-browser renderers.*  They have to decide if they want to
> support viewport-fill anyway. Or just support background-color, or the
> whole background shortcut, which means another nine CSS properties to be
> added.
> 2. *Browsers only seem to support background on outermost <svg> elements.*
>  Whereas viewport-fill is valid for all elements that establish a
> viewport.  That issue should probably be resolved.
> Paul

Received on Sunday, 18 September 2016 09:31:34 UTC