[SVG2 CR] switch, script and style, requiredFormats?


about switch it is noted in 5.7.3.:
"The ‘switch’ element does not affect the processing of ‘script’ and ‘style’ 

I think, it would be pretty helpful for authors (and implementors) to provide
some text and examples, how to get an effect of switch on scripting and styling 
I think, in several cases authors might want to change styling (maybe 
scripting as well) for an alternative.

Idea: If one uses only g elements within a switch, id or class attributes with 
different values may do the job for styling. 

SVG tiny 1.2 has requiredFormats as well, what is pretty useful, especially
because there are no required formats for audio and video, why is this 
Often one needs a completely other solution, if some content cannot be 
For a similar reason requiredFonts can be useful as well.


Received on Saturday, 17 September 2016 11:47:01 UTC