Re: SVG SMIL news from Google

This is good news, even if it's only a stay of execution for now.

A note to all, a few weeks back the SVG WG resolved [1] to publish a proper
working draft of the stand-alone SVG Animation Elements specification [2].
This replaces the animation chapter from SVG 1.1, instead of including an
animation chapter in the core SVG 2 spec.

There are a few technical clean-ups that need to happen first (the spec
markup currently doesn't play nice with the new W3C stylesheets) but that
is the first step towards moving forward on modernizing SMIL-style SVG
Animations and making them fully compatible with the Web Animations

Philip, in your note on the forum you mention that next steps include
removal of pieces of SMIL that don’t enjoy widespread use."  We'll keep an
eye out for new issues tagged "SVG Animations" in the SVGWG repo [3].
However, if the Chrome team is devoting resources to identifying specific
issues with SVG Animations, I'm sure that Brian Birtles would appreciate
any help in cleaning up that spec and polishing it off; he has
understandably put in on the back burner this past year since the original
Chrome deprecation announcement.



Received on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 21:13:08 UTC