Re: Interactive Images (was: SVG 2 review request)

In a separate thread, David Dailey referenced my last email, saying:

Now, if as Amelia points out[1], folks can work on convincing places like
> FB, Google Plus, Twitter and Wikipedia that SVG in <img> adds value to
> their platforms – and is safe--, the web will become a richer place.  Am I
> correct in concluding from what I read at the links you provided, Amelia,
> that SVG in <img> is, as much as anything on the web, safe right now?


That's an oversimplification.  Sorry if I made it seem like a solved

It is true that, while I am viewing the SVG as an embedded image, it is
safe, and can't access or modify the rest of the HTML page.  Therefore,
embedding an SVG as an image in your website is safe if it is hosted on an
external domain.  This is what Ello does, embedding the SVG images that you
host on your own website.

The *risk* is in hosting and serving unknown SVG files from your web
domain, if that domain also hosts private content that normally requires
authentication to access.  Which covers a lot of social media use cases.

User-uploaded SVG files are still a potential security risk, just like
user-uploaded HTML or JavaScript, because the file can always be viewed
independently, and the security limitations of the image element no longer

For example, if I were to upload an awesome-looking but secretly malicious
SVG (that someone had shared with me) to a host service, and then view that
hosted SVG in an active tab (because the person who shared it told me that
it looks better full-screen), it could run scripts that fetched all my
other private images hosted on that service and forwards them to a 3rd
party server.

An HTTP Content Security Policy directive used by the host server and
enforced by my web browser could prevent this.  However, there are still
many browsers in use which don't enforce CSP:

Host servers could of course strip and sanitize SVG, just like they
sanitize HTML comments and other uploaded content (and other images, too,
by processing them to remove metadata).  For example, they could remove all
script tags and event handler attributes, and maybe all external
references.  But so far there hasn't been enough user demand to convince
the larger social media companies to do the same.


Received on Wednesday, 17 August 2016 20:56:14 UTC